Today it's from the heart...

In an instant—everything changed.


I was sitting at my desk at my normal day job, wondering if I would make it through the day without being abused, when it dawned on me.

This wasn’t an option, I am not happy here, photography was my calling. An unshakable feeling down to the very last cell in my body that I had to share my passion for entrepreneurship with the world. I had no idea, in that moment, that my life would change forever. Or even more shockingly, just how much it would change…

Covid-19 had hit and my work colleagues and I were all wondering if we would be the next Darwin business to be affected and would we lose our jobs.

Before we get to now, lets jump back a few months;

For the past few months I had been dreaming of opening my photography business up full-time and to support my family doing something I loved. Everyday I would doodle on my notepad ideas and discuss with a fellow workmate my ideas and goals. She encouraged me as did a good friend, that I had talent, I had amazing ideas and I need to decided am I going to give this a go or not.

She said something to me that hit a nerve but was true, "Bec, either you want to follow your dreams and succeed or you are just pissing in my ear." It was a little bit harsh but she made me realise that ok well am I going to concur my fear or let it concur me!

So now back to the present;

It was 11th March 2020 ( yep I remember the exact date) my boss walked up to me and said; "Bec do you have a minute?" With dread in my stomach as I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, I got up and followed him down the hall passing all the offices with everyone watching, with the look in their eyes saying please I hope this isn't happening.

I sat down in the spare chair and our accountant was in the office too, with a look of dread, my boss couldn't look at me and I said, "I'm being let go, aren't I?" "Yes, we are so sorry Bec, but covid has started to affect us and although you are a great worker, we have to let you go."

Yep as you can imagine, I was broken inside, screaming NOOOOOO!!!! How was I meant to support myself and my 2 kids, how was I meant t pay my rent, which was massive..... But I didn't let that show, I went back to my desk and packed up (it was an immediate redundancy)

But that little unexpected push FORCED me to go ok, you have 2 options, sulk and find a minimal paying job or start now and make this business work. So that's what I did, after a night of buying my kids a bunch of steaks and cooking myself some oysters (I was going to make my last paycheck meal the best) then ugly cried and eating way to much chocolate. The next day I sat down at my laptop and planned the next year!!!!

Where was I going;

What did I want to focus on;

How can I be better and

What training do I need to succeed!!!

And here we are; Territory Teen Projects, Cowboy Calendars, Branching into new packages and tweaking it everyday.

So don't feel disheartened when suddenly it all changes, great things come from change!
